Shalom shalom Jerusalem
Everyday an attack is launched against you
Everyday war is so near
Everyday a boycott is issued
Everyday rocks hurled at your people
Everyday a lie is told about you
Everyday rockets fired at you
Everyday the fight in all its ways continues
Shalom shalom Jerusalem
Oh city of peace, we pray for you
Oh Israel we pray for you
Everyday your enemies cry “death death to Israel”
We your watchmen will shout louder
Am yisrael chai- May Israel live
We, your gentile brothers and sisters
Will be the watchmen on your walls oh Jerusalem
We will pray for the peace and security in your borders
May the day come soon
When peace be found in you oh city of peace
May the peace come because the Prince of Peace
Have been found and accepted by you, his chosen people
Your await Messiah who has come
Am Yisrael Chai, may you live
With the living water among you
Shalom shalom Jerusalem
May you, His chosen people, be found in Him
When he comes again on this earth
To reign as the Prince of peace
Shalom shalom Jerusalem