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Thursday, 27 August 2015

Prayer (Philippians 4)

All around me I see things that need be prayed for
a friend is ill, another looking for work, 
yet another we pray they seek You,
and so my prayer time became a shopping list
and my heart feels that prayer is so much more

Yet your servant Paul wrote to us
to remember You are near
You are with us
and in light of that amazing truth
to bring our requests
with thanksgiving
to the One who knows all 
and is ultimately in Control

We need to consider our heart,
our motive, when we bring again our needs 
Do we believe You are near us, and in control
and leave our requests at your feet?
or do we continue to fret
and not accept Your peace
Your peace that surpasses all our understanding

Riana Odendaal

Isaiah's glimpse of God's holiness

I stood in the temple
a glimpse of glory caught my eye
blinding brightness of glory
A God greater than all
The Lord sits on His throne and in control

flaming angelic beings fly around
constantly declaring to one another
God is Holy

Isaiah saw himself in light of who God is
and his shortcomings
and in confessing
God's mercy was displayed

The heavenly altar of sacrifice
holy coals of mercy
the flaming angel
used tongs to carry a coal
to touch Isaiah's lips

Free and forgiven
he could hear the call so clear
and answered without hesitation
Here am I, send me.
what can I do for you, Lord?
anything to display my gratitude....
use me.

Riana Odendaal
August 2015

Thursday, 20 August 2015


the mundane, everyday, grinding of life
on other days disappointments, despair creep in
the news tell more bad news, strifes
war between families and war between nations
such is life
and so it continues
hope is what we seek
hope is what we need
and hope is to be found
One day The King of Kings 
will come back
in can be in the twinkling of an eye
at the sound of the trumpet
any moment, any day
You will have hope - if you are on His side
so get to know Jesus today
to get the gift of eternal hope
extended to today's grinding life
and hope to face tomorrow
because Jesus is alive
and will come back One day 
as King of Kings which everyone will acknowledge. 

Riana Odendaal
August 2015