Cry the beloved country
South Africa, South Africa
What are you doing?
Your brother's blood
is screaming out to Me!
Lord, help me!
Why do you keep on fighting?
You take out your revenge and thunder
on a statue of a person
hundred year six foot under
... and when the piece of cement is gone...
you carry on to kill and plunder
those from here and another country.
Can you not allow the sun to shine
on one another?
The one thinks he's better
than someone else
of different race or culture
Yet before the Holy Lord
the Creator of us all
we are all condemned prideful sinners
that need blood
.... The saving Blood of Jesus Christ
who will set us free from our need to fight
When will you see
that you will never be free
unless the Son Jesus Christ
sets you free?
O Lord, open our eyes
and heal our hearts
heal our country
We need You here.
Riana Odendaal
April 2015