To Him the prophets bear witness - Part 3
Acts 10: 43 " To Him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through His name".So now, that we looked at the reason for His coming, Let's (in the words of Julie Andrews in Sound of Music) Let's go back to the beginning. Well, His birth too was prophesied!
This blog about his birth will be in 2 sections. Let's just call it section A and B.
Section A:
Throughout the Old Testament a number of barren ladies later on gave birth - and these persons became greatly used by God. Patriarch of the nation, priests, prophets, judges, etc. For a few of these ladies it was specifically mentioned that God opened their wombs!
To borrow some words from Hebrews chapter 9:
"If the fruit of the womb of barren ladies turned into patriarch, prophets, priests and other great men of God, how much greater will the virgin's baby be.... The Messiah Himself!" ( words borrowed from Hebrews 9: 13-14)
Sarah gave birth to Isaac Genesis 15; 17; 18; 21.
Rachel gave birth to Joseph Genesis 30:1; Gen 30: 22-24
Hannah gave birth to Samuel 1 Samuel 1
Elizabeth gave birth to John the Baptist Luke 1
Ruth (Okay this is a bit vague, but a possibility). When Ruth was still married to Naomi's son, there is no mention made of any children. But when she married Boaz she had a child Obed, who is the grandfather of David. Ruth chapter 1 and 4; Matthew 1: 5-6
and then Mary... Matthew 1-2; Luke 1.
Section B
The verses (which are often on our Christmas cards) but some others too, which point to the birth of the Messiah, and things which will happen.
The Star -- Numbers 24:17. Revelation 22: 16
The Kings -- Psalm 72: 10-11 (I think this prophecy will be doubly fulfilled later on, when all the nations' kings will render Him tribute. Philippians 2....)
Called our of Egypt Hosea 11: 1; Matthew 2: 15
He is of Jesse's line Isaiah 11: 1; Matthew 1: 5- 6.
To us a child is born Isaiah 9:6.
Enjoy reading and listening and worship your amazing God who wrote His redemption story before time began!
(Picture credit for all 3 pics: Pinterest).