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Monday, 24 July 2023



All my life
Darkness is all I see
Lately I hear there is a Rabbi from Galilee
Who can also heal

Him and His disciples walked past
A conversation
Suddenly mud on my eyes
His compassionate, gentle hands on my face
An order to go and wash in the pool of Siloam
I go
At the pool I bend down
Cold fresh spring water on my muddied face
and I wash off the holy mud
Suddenly the skies above me are blue
no more darkness
This Rabbi must be the Messiah
His words are true

By grace I can see
In more ways than one
I can see life around me
and the promised Messiah in front of me
Whereas the Pharisees had sight in their eyes
but refused to see the Galilean Rabbi
For Who He is.... The Sent Messiah
Lord, grant them grace too that they might see
and not live life in the darkness of soul

Riana Odendaal
July 2023

John 9  & Ephesians 2.

(Pictures credit: Pinterest)

Friday, 21 July 2023




I go to the well because I need water
I have a thirst
But for many more things than just water
Thirst for Love and acceptance
and not to be frowned upon
and a thirst for things I don't know yet that I need
like my sins be washed away
and for eternal life

I go to the well at noon
so that on seeing me, no one from town would frown
I meet Someone new there
He asks me for a drink of water
and then offers me water
.... a different kind.
A discussion was held
about worship, and the Messiah to come
His to the point, but compassionate revealing of me
left me wondering if perhaps He is the Messiah

(John 4 & John 7)

Riana Odendaal
July 2023

(Pictures credit: Pinterest)

Joseph... a prototype of Messiah?

 Joseph.... a prototype of Messiah?

Both Shepherds; Both Beloved Sons

The one owns a colourful coat... later to be torned up and stained by a goat's blood
The other's special seamless coat prophesied that it won't be torn, but lots cast for it

Both betrayed by someone close to them, and sold for a few shekels
and both delivered up to the gentiles. 

Both took punishment for what they did not do,
But the One paid the price for other's sins completely.

The one interprets the dreams, (with help from The One Above) of the baker and the cupbearer
The Other has bread and wine that point to what He has done for us

Both feed the gentiles first, then their brothers
Their brothers don't recognize them for who they are, at first

All the nations at the time buying food from Egypt bowed to Joseph
One day every knee under heaven and earth  will bow to Jesus

The one (Joseph) merely pointed to the Perfect One, The Messiah. 

Riana Odendaal
July 2023

(Pictures credit: Pinterest)

Wednesday, 19 July 2023

Jesus... a prophet like Moses?

 A prophet like Moses?...

Deuteronomy 18: 15... " The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me (Moses speaking here), from among you, from your brothers - it is to Him you shall listen. 

Two Shepherds, one looking after his father-in-law's sheep in Midian
The Other looking after His own (human) sheep, full of compassion

Moses turned water  (of the Nile river) to blood
Jesus turned water to wine to drink at a wedding

Moses parted the water (of the Red Sea)
Jesus walked on water

Both are called Servant of the Lord
Both Royal
Both saved at a young age from evil rulers wanting to wipe out the male babies
Both are sent as redeemers, and at first rejected by their own people, and later accepted. 
Both fed many with bread (manna) from above, but the One is the Bread of Life.
Both gave water to many, but One is the Provider of Living water
Both willing to give their life
Both intercede for many

But still the one (Moses) only point to The Other. The Messiah. 

Riana Odendaal
July 2023. 

If you want to listen to sermons/ podcasts on this topic of Jesus being the prophet like Moses.. here are some. Enjoy!  
And go read up in your Bible and find a few more connections of your own!.  The above is just an appetizer. 

(Picture Credit: Pinterest)

Monday, 17 July 2023

To Him all the prophets bear witness - Part 3

  To Him the prophets bear witness - Part 3

Acts 10: 43  " To Him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through His name".
So now, that we looked at the reason for His coming, Let's (in the words of Julie Andrews in Sound of Music)  Let's go back to the beginning. Well,  His birth too was prophesied! 

This blog about his birth will be in 2 sections.  Let's just call it section A and B. 

Section A:

Throughout the Old Testament a number of barren ladies later on gave birth - and these persons became greatly used by God. Patriarch of the nation, priests, prophets, judges, etc. For a few of these ladies it was specifically mentioned that God opened their wombs! 
To borrow some words from Hebrews chapter 9:
"If the fruit of the womb of barren ladies turned into patriarch, prophets, priests and other great men of God, how much greater will the virgin's baby be.... The Messiah Himself!"   ( words borrowed from Hebrews 9: 13-14)

Sarah gave birth to Isaac        Genesis 15; 17; 18; 21.         
Rachel gave birth to Joseph    Genesis 30:1; Gen 30: 22-24
Hannah gave birth to Samuel   1 Samuel 1
Elizabeth gave birth to John the Baptist    Luke 1

Ruth (Okay this is a bit vague, but a possibility).  When Ruth was still married to Naomi's son, there is no mention made of any children.  But when she married Boaz she had a child Obed, who is the grandfather of David.    Ruth chapter 1 and 4;   Matthew 1: 5-6

and then Mary...  Matthew 1-2;  Luke 1.

Section B
The verses (which are often on our Christmas cards)  but some others too, which point to the birth of the Messiah, and things which will happen. 

The Star -- Numbers 24:17.   Revelation 22: 16
The Kings   --  Psalm 72: 10-11  (I think this prophecy will be doubly fulfilled later on, when all the nations' kings will render Him tribute.  Philippians 2....) 
Born in Bethlehem   -- Micah 5: 2- 4.    (Here is some great messages on the meaning of why our Messiah was born in Bethlehem....  (What Mary didn't know  and  The reason for the season )
Called our of Egypt  Hosea 11: 1; Matthew 2: 15
Born of a virgin -  Isaiah 7:14   (another great podcast to listen to:  A pregnant virgin? )
He is of Jesse's line Isaiah 11: 1; Matthew 1: 5- 6. 
To us a child is born  Isaiah 9:6. 

Enjoy reading and listening and worship your amazing God who wrote His redemption story before time began!

(Picture credit for all 3 pics: Pinterest).