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Wednesday, 19 July 2023

Jesus... a prophet like Moses?

 A prophet like Moses?...

Deuteronomy 18: 15... " The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me (Moses speaking here), from among you, from your brothers - it is to Him you shall listen. 

Two Shepherds, one looking after his father-in-law's sheep in Midian
The Other looking after His own (human) sheep, full of compassion

Moses turned water  (of the Nile river) to blood
Jesus turned water to wine to drink at a wedding

Moses parted the water (of the Red Sea)
Jesus walked on water

Both are called Servant of the Lord
Both Royal
Both saved at a young age from evil rulers wanting to wipe out the male babies
Both are sent as redeemers, and at first rejected by their own people, and later accepted. 
Both fed many with bread (manna) from above, but the One is the Bread of Life.
Both gave water to many, but One is the Provider of Living water
Both willing to give their life
Both intercede for many

But still the one (Moses) only point to The Other. The Messiah. 

Riana Odendaal
July 2023. 

If you want to listen to sermons/ podcasts on this topic of Jesus being the prophet like Moses.. here are some. Enjoy!  
And go read up in your Bible and find a few more connections of your own!.  The above is just an appetizer. 

(Picture Credit: Pinterest)

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